Community Forest Agreement Bc

A community forest agreement (CFA) is a legal agreement between the BC government and a community that allows the community to manage and harvest resources in a designated forest area. The CFA program was created to support the development of sustainable, locally-based forestry practices and to provide economic opportunities for communities in British Columbia. In this article, we will take a closer look at the benefits of CFAs and how they work.

What is a Community Forest Agreement?

A community forest agreement is a long-term agreement between the provincial government and a community that allows the community to manage a designated forest area. The agreement is designed to promote sustainable forest management practices and to provide economic opportunities for the community.

Under a CFA, the community has the right to harvest timber and non-timber resources such as berries, mushrooms, and medicinal plants. The community is responsible for managing the forest in a sustainable way, which means that they must balance economic, social, and environmental considerations.

Benefits of Community Forest Agreements

Community forest agreements have several benefits for both the community and the environment. Some of the key benefits include:

1. Economic Benefits: CFAs provide economic opportunities for communities that are located near forested areas. By allowing communities to harvest timber and non-timber resources, CFAs can create jobs and stimulate local economic activity.

2. Environmental Benefits: CFAs promote sustainable forest management practices, which helps to protect the environment and maintain biodiversity. By managing the forest in a sustainable way, communities can ensure that the forest remains healthy and productive for future generations.

3. Social Benefits: CFAs can help to build strong and resilient communities by providing opportunities for local decision-making, collaboration, and participation. CFAs also help to support Indigenous rights and reconciliation, as many Indigenous communities are involved in CFAs.

How do Community Forest Agreements Work?

The process of establishing a community forest agreement typically involves several steps:

1. Expression of Interest: A community expresses interest in managing a designated forest area.

2. Consultation: The community and government engage in extensive consultation to determine the feasibility of the CFA and to address any concerns or issues.

3. Negotiation: The community and government negotiate the terms of the CFA, including the area to be managed, the duration of the agreement, and the resource management objectives.

4. Approval: The government approves the CFA and the community takes over management of the designated forest area.


Community forest agreements are an effective tool for promoting sustainable forest management and creating economic opportunities for communities in British Columbia. By allowing communities to manage and harvest resources in a designated forest area, CFAs can help to build strong and resilient communities that are able to make decisions, collaborate with government, and participate in the management of their local forests. If you are interested in learning more about community forest agreements in BC, consult the BC government website for more information.